Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Holistic Iridology: A Healing Gift from Nature

With increased stress, hectic schedules and growing environmental pollution, wouldn’t it be great to know how your body is responding to it all? Fortunately nature has given us a gift: Iridology.

In a very literal sense, Iridology is the study of the iris (coloured part of the eye)and its relative changes with regards to ones health.

Iridology is one of the most accurate non-invasive analytical tools available. It is said that the eye is the window to the soul but over the past 250 years the science of iridology has revealed that the eyes are also a map to the body – enabling us to visualize normal and abnormal states within the body and its’ organs.

The iris reveals bodily conditions, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and the changes that take place in a persons’ body according to the way that he or she lives.

By using a flashlight, magnifying glass and high-powered digital camera, one is able to assess and reveal the following and more:

· Relative amounts of toxicity in the body and what organs, glands and tissues
are being affected.

· Buildup of toxic material before the manifestation of disease

· Results of physical or mental fatigue or stress on the body

· Tissue areas contributing to suppressed or buried symptoms

· Pre-clinical stages of potential diseases including diabetes and
cardiovascular disease

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Iridology is one of the best ways to understand your weaknesses and prevent illness.

In Good Health,

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